

Our history


To go back to the beginning, we must go back to the 29/05/1991 year in which AeC sas family business is founded, after about 20 years since the birth of AEC Servizi srl.

The choice to start this adventure is solely based on the great passion of the owners (which in other sectors of the economy, too) have the will, competence and passion for this activity as well.

Powerful in the field of electric, electronic and electromechanical automation, in the most varied applications, but convinced that it also wants to measure in other realities in this case with industrial production realities.

Since the early years the company invests in modern and reliable machineries built by the major European manufacturers of the sector and by promoting the growth of highly specialized personnel, the company spirit has always been to make small steps but always ahead with experience, sobriety, And awareness of wanting to always work for the satisfaction of the customer, always keeping a family relationship always within the company, as if the company was a big extended family.

All this has brought us together to diversify the products we have built up and to remain a reference point for our customers over the years and to win the bets that the world presents us year after year.




AEC Servizi SRL

Via Alberto Moravia 2 Loro Ciuffenna San Giustino Valdarno

Phone: 055977939

Web: www.aec-servizi.it

Privacy en srl


Via Alberto Moravia 2 Loro Ciuffenna San Giustino Valdarno

Phone: 055977939

Web: www.aec-sas.it

Privacy en sas

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